How can I buy UniDinar?

Firstly, you need account on Trust Wallet or MetaMask

Then Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain as described at this link Connect MetaMask To Binance Chain

In MetaMask Click “import Tokens”

then enter the UniDinar Address:


Click “import”

from MetaMask menu select browser then visit Pancackeswap at:

then “Connect wallet”

Click “Settings Icon” enter 10 in Slippage Tolerance close the “settings” using the “x”

Click here to change the currency, choose “Manage Tokens” then enter the UniDinar Address: “0x65aa0d7ce2542d2300f87f59cc042c6bbf7d1031”

and click “import”

Check “I Understand” checkbox then click “import”.

Now you will be able to trade UniDinar